Sinclair Community College

Topics > Students > Commencement

Commencement (11 FAQs)

Top 10 FAQs For This Topic
I can’t attend the ceremony for my division because I have to work. Can I attend the other ceremony?
What kind of security will be in place?
Will I have my photo taken?
What if I have more than four guests?
Will graduates get the opportunity to walk across the stage to receive our diploma?
Where can I get tickets?
Will there be assigned seats for graduates and guests?
What about children? Can they attend the May 6th ceremonies?
What about 2020 graduates?
Why are you holding the ceremonies in the middle of the day? I have to work and it’s not fair.

Recently Added FAQs To This Topic
What kind of security will be in place?
Will I have my photo taken?
I can’t attend the ceremony for my division because I have to work. Can I attend the other ceremony?
Why are you holding the ceremonies in the middle of the day? I have to work and it’s not fair.
Will graduates get the opportunity to walk across the stage to receive our diploma?
What if I have more than four guests?
Will there be assigned seats for graduates and guests?
Where can I get tickets?
What about children? Can they attend the May 6th ceremonies?
What about 2020 graduates?
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