Sinclair Community College

Topics > Students > High School Students

High School Students (10 FAQs)

Top 10 FAQs For This Topic
What Tech Prep programs are available?
How do I participate in Tech Prep?
What are the important CCP deadlines?
What services are available for out-of-school students?
What pre-college programs are available specifically for my High School?
How do I participate in CCP at Sinclair?
How can I earn College credit in High School?
How do I know what CCP courses I should take?
What support is available for first-generation students?
What Scholarships are available to high school students?

Recently Added FAQs To This Topic
What Tech Prep programs are available?
How do I participate in Tech Prep?
What pre-college programs are available specifically for my High School?
What Scholarships are available to high school students?
How can I earn College credit in High School?
What services are available for out-of-school students?
What support is available for first-generation students?
What are the important CCP deadlines?
How do I know what CCP courses I should take?
How do I participate in CCP at Sinclair?
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